"This place is awesome! They have everything you need no matter how experienced you are. There is a large selection of free weights and machines. There is not many places that offer what this gym has. The staff is extremely friendly and willing to help with any questions you might have. I'd definitely recommend checking it out."

Tanner Douglas

"I've been working out with Zach for three years now and hope to never stop. The benefits are so worth it. Clothes fit better and I can keep up with my grandkids! Zach and Sarah have created a clean, comfortable gym with so much variety and expertise. Great job, Zach and Sarah!"

Cindy Johnson

"I have been struggling with debilitating shoulder issues...to the point where I couldn't even pick up a cup of coffee...BIG TIME ISSUES for over two years. I've seen an osteopath, had several massage treatments and was to the point of seeking cortisone injections. With the help of Zach and Sarah, TTFF and attending their group classes, in four months I can say that my shoulder is 95% better. I can go DAYS without even thinking about it, where it used to keep me awake at night. If you haven't been here yet....what are you waiting for? See ya there!!"

Lisa ANderson